Dan & Amy pick up from yesterday’s reaction to Brittney Griner’s release
Dan & Amy update the Project Veritas Francis Parker School expose
Twitter files, Part II, secret blacklists
David Marcus, columnist living in New York City and the author of Charade: The Covid Lies That Crushed A Nation, looks at the unintended consequences of the Brittney Griner Russian Prisoner Swap
David is a great follow on Twitter @BlueBoxDave
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with David Marcus” url=”https://youtu.be/ECwVLFF9KBM” target=”1″]
Bill O’Reilly, host of No Spin News, weeknights 5pm CT at BillOReilly.com, on Elon Musk’s Twitter Shake-up
FYI – Bill’s newest book Killing the Legends: The Lethal Danger of Celebrity makes a great Christmas Gift!
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Bill O’Reilly” url=”https://youtu.be/opZe4hssENo” target=”1″]
Sam Gregg, economic analyst amd distinguished fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research, tracks a lack of confidence from American corporations to what is being taught in our business schools
For more from Sam check out his new book The Next American Economy: Nation, State, and Markets in an Uncertain World
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Sam Gregg” url=”https://youtu.be/4TbuS15uQCo” target=”1″]