Daily Show Notes: Wednesday 1-25-23


Pence gets into the act…

Kevin McCarthy presser…on Schiff, Swalwell being bounced from House Intel Committee (vs. Santos)

Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, Mass General, on obesity: mostly genetic

Preschool Maddie Piper and colleagues…train-the-trainer agitprop shown to daycare center operators in NC – from the documentary “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action The Early Years” by NC Association for the Education of Young Children (NCAEYC).

Mark Bauerlein, professor of English at Emory University and a senior editor at First Things, on removing  The Political Poison In Education. Mark is also the author of  The Dumbest Generationand  The Dumbest Generation Grows Up

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Mark Bauerlein” url=”https://youtu.be/dNsyN1Nc6Hk” target=”1″]

Noted economist Stephen Moore is against raising the debt ceiling and shares that he hates carrots. For more of Steve’s likes/dislikes @StephenMoore

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Stephen Moore” url=”https://youtu.be/E0OJVHUZSjw” target=”1″]


Professor of politics at Sarah Lawrence College and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Samuel Abrams, on  The Rise of the Single Woke (and Young, Democratic) Female

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Samuel Abrams” url=”https://youtu.be/q-dCwhhMg_A” target=”1″]

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