John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist and founder of Just the News
Kevin R. Brock is a former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI and former principal deputy director of the…
Phil Kerpen is president of American Commitment and chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition
Alex Marlow is editor-in-chief of Breitbart News and NY Times best selling author of Breaking the News
Robert Greenway is Director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation
Michael Goodwin is a New York Post Columnist and Fox News Contributor
Dr. Chireau-Wobbenhorst, board-certified OB/Gyn and former faculty member in obstetrics at Duke University Medical School
Ron Hosko is a former FBI Assistant Director and President of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. He joined Dan…
Ronald Kessler is the New York Times bestselling author of books on the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, including The Trump…