Biden Administration

Biden Administration

Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be in Chicago for an event later this week. He joined Dan and Amy

Jay Sekulow Addresses Russian Collusion Allegations

Donald Trump attorney Jay Sekulow joins Jake Tapper on CNN's State of the Union

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Reacts To The Russia Investigation

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump and author of "Defeating Jihad" joined Dan Proft and Kristen McQueary

Former FBI Asst. Dir. Ron Hosko Reacts To Christopher Wray’s Senate Hearing

Former FBI Assistant Director Ron Hosko joined Dan Proft and Shaun Thompson with reaction to the Christopher Wray Senate hearing

Andrew McCarthy on Donald Trump Jr.: Collusion In What?

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted images of emails that showed he had arranged a meeting with a Russian lawyer after being offered

Charles Cooke From NRO On Donald Trump Jr.’s Emails

According to emails released by Donald Trump Jr., he met on June 9, 2016 with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer described

Trump on Warmbier: North Korea “A Brutal Regime, And We’ll Be Able To Handle It”

President Donald Trump addressed the death of Otto Warmbier at an American Technology Council roundtable Monday event.

Jared Kushner Delivers Remarks at White House Event for Tech CEOs

Jared Kushner speaks! President Trump's senior advisor Jared Kushner spoke to leaders of the technology industry -- including the CEOs of

Judge Napolitano: Sessions Is In A Very Dangerous Position

Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano weighs in on Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision to testify in an open