

Senate Votes Down Obamacare “Skinny Repeal”

The Senate has dealt a devastating setback to Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, defeating a GOP "skinny repeal"

Rich Lowry: This Is A Historic Opportunity, Don’t Waste It

The Senate voted Wednesday afternoon against a proposal that would repeal major portions of Obamacare without a replacement legislation. At

Fox News Chief Congressional Correspondent Mike Emanuel

Senate Republicans are scrambling to reach consensus on a way to move forward with health care reform as they begin

Rep. Sean Duffy Talks Health Care, Russia & Jeff Sessions

Rep. Sean Duffy from the 7th Congressional District in Wisconsin joined Dan Proft and Shaun Thompson to talk about the

Peter Roskam On The Next Step For Health Care Reform

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has delayed the start of the August Senate recess until the third week in August

Avik Roy: Senate Republican Bill Will Transform American Health Care

After failing to gain enough support to pass health care legislation to replace Obamacare, GOP Senate leaders Tuesday delayed the

Maxine Waters: I Don’t Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would Support Hillary Clinton Firing Comey

NBC's Peter Alexander grills Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Cali.) for her displeasure at President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey after

Comey “Mildly Nauseous” To Think FBI May Have Affected Election

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director James Comey defended his call to announce the agency was reopening