
Posts about culture


Starbucks Will Close 8,000 US Stores May 29 For Racial-Bias Training

Starbucks says it will close its 8,000 company-owned stores in the United States for one afternoon to educate employees about

Eli Steele Talks About His Documentary “How Jack Became Black”

Director Eli Steele joined Dan and Amy to talk about his new documentary “How Jack Became Black”on race in the United States.

Suzanne Venker: I’m So Happy Trump’s Not A “Feminist”

Suzanne Venker is a cultural critic and author of "The Alpha Female's Guide to Men & Marriage: How Love Works".

Director Eli Steele Talks About His New Movie “How Jack Became Black”

Director Eli Steele joined Dan and Amy to talk about his new documentary "How Jack Became Black" on race in

Kim Eggert from Park Ridge Shares Her Experience Decorating the White House for Christmas

Kim Eggert is a florist and decorator from Park Ridge. She joined Dan and Amy to share the amazing story

Black Friday 2017 Was What You Would Expect

The kick-off to the holiday season brings out the worst in shoppers.

Red Pill Black Creator Candace Owens on Her Journey From Left to Right

Red Pill Black YouTube Creator Candace Owens joined Dan and Amy to discuss her journey from liberal to conservative, her

Procter & Gamble ad: The Talk

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is

Famed Atheist Notices Double Standard in Gay Pride Parade

It's apparently fine to criticize some religions, but others are untouchable.