Noted economist Stephen Moore on whether or not Speaker Johnson sold out conservatives
James L. Perry is the Founder, CIO Perry International Capital Partners, LLC.
Markets Specialist for Market Day Report!, Scott "the cow guy" Shellady, says to ignore the hype - inflation is growing…
Noted economist Stephen Moore on who’s the biggest bonehead, KJP or Sec of Ed Miguel Cardona
Stan Veuger, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute: Why Did America’s Elite Keep Falling for Crypto Frauds?
Host of the “The Futures Edge Podcast”, Jim Iuorio, on EV economics and Biden's visit to Belvidere
Student addresses Naperville school board with “thank you”s Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo: Fauci "Dehumanized" People, "Completely Unnatural" To…
CNBC Contributor Jim Iuorio joined Dan and Amy with reaction to the October unemployment numbers
Fox Business Network Contributor Scott Shellady joined Dan and Amy with reaction to the September unemployment numbers