David Neumark is a distinguished professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine and a visiting scholar at the…
Noted economist Stephen Moore is introduced to climate adviser for the UN Ayisha Siddiqa
Jonathan A. Lesser is a senior fellow at the National Center for Energy Analytics
Gerard Baker is Editor at Large at The Wall Street Journal and author of American Breakdown: Why We No Longer Trust Our…
Scott McKay is the publisher of the Hayride, contributing editor at the American Spectator, and author of Racism Revenge and Ruin
Michael Goodwin is a New York Post Columnist and Fox News Contributor
Willie Wilson is a Humanitarian & Businessman. He joined Dan and Amy to spread the message that Protecting our kids from abuse…
Lawyer and writer, Frank DeVito, offers The Conservative Case for Remote Work
Star Parker President & Founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) & host of CURE America on…