

Dan Rose & Justin Ozinga on Mayor Ogle’s refusal to support the Gardens of Frankfort development

Principal at LFI Real Estate & The Gardens of Frankfort, Dan Rose, is joined by Frankfort mayoral candidate Justin Ozinga

Pastor Corey Brooks: Trump’s Colorblind Message Energizes Black Americans

Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church of Chicago & founder and CEO of Project H.O.O.D, Corey Brooks: Trump’s Colorblind Message

Christian Toto: Hollywood’s Anti-Trump Resistance 2.0 Finds Its Footing

Christian Toto, host of “The Hollywood in Toto Podcast ”: Hollywood’s Anti-Trump Resistance 2.0 Finds Its Footing

Liel Leibovitz on the Israel-Hamas and Trump’s “noble” approach to the ceasefire

Liel Leibovitz, editor at large for Tablet and host of the “Rootless” podcast, on the Israel-Hamas and Trump's "noble" approach

Amber Duke: Feds Ignored DC Death Trap For Years Despite Dozens Of Near Misses

Amber Duke, senior editor at The Daily Caller: Feds Ignored DC Death Trap For Years Despite Dozens Of Near Misses

Jay Johnston speaks on his actions Jan 6 & a spot on the Hollywood blacklist

Jay Johnston is an acclaimed actor from “Bob’s Burgers,” “Better Call Saul,” and “Anchorman”

Eugene Kontorovich on President Trump’s Gaza Proposal

Eugene Kontorovich, professor at George Mason University Scalia Law School and senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, believes Trump is

Sally Pipes shares details from new book “The World’s Medicine Chest”

Sally Pipes is president/CEO and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute

Joe & Sandy Abraham on the death of Katie Abraham by a hit and run accident by an illegal immigrant

Joe & Sandy Abraham, Father and Aunt of Katie Abraham, share their grief and call for justice after Katie was