KJP on classified docs in Biden’s possession
Dan & Amy react to Lori Lightfoot’s volunteer recruitment tactics
COVID: DoD rescinds vax mandate
Dan & Amy respond to Macoupin County Sheriff Kahl’s reaction to HB 5471
U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district, Bryan Steil, says the good news is there’s now a check on the Biden Admin with a Republican lead congress
For more on Bryan’s work for WI district 1 visit steil.house.gov
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Bryan Steil” url=”https://youtu.be/bSQwoLHnx6Y” target=”1″]
Bob Snyder from The Jennifer Lynn Snyder Teen Heart Foundation shares his mission protecting youth from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. For more on the Jennifer Lynn Snyder Teen Heart Foundation visit teenheartfoundation.org
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Bob Snyder” url=”https://youtu.be/I4LLGOxfhA0″ target=”1″]
Roderick T. Sawyer, 6th Ward Alderman and candidate for mayor, says he is a true Chicagoan and Chicagoans all want the same thing
For more on Ald Sawyer’s run for mayor sawyer4chicago.com
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Roderick Sawyer” url=”https://youtu.be/GGUkElfklbo” target=”1″]
Thomas J. Duesterberg, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, reveals China’s Myth of Communist Competence
Thomas is also the author of Economic Cracks in the Great Wall of China
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Thomas Duesterberg” url=”https://youtu.be/fu3ofQbb9Ho” target=”1″]