Daily Show Notes: Thursday 8/17/23

BLM Brandon on Arwady firing & Butter Cow speaks at the State Fair

Chicago Heights’ very own Evans Scholar Diego Origel had his life changed, and saved, by caddying 

Dan & Amy look into the police raid of a Kansas newspaper and what it says about our democracy 

Why Dan Proft is single

Noted economist Stephen Moore, fresh off a round at Bedminster, sees no reason to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Acts one year anniversary

For more Steve @StephenMoore

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Stephen Moore” url=”https://youtu.be/6E38gP-1H5g” target=”1″]

Jerry Dunleavy, investigative reporter for the Washington Examiner  & James Hasson, former Army captain and Afghanistan veteran who received the Bronze Star, share details from their new book  Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End

Check out this excerpt of Kabul from Spectator World 

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Jerry Dunleavy & James Hasson” url=”https://youtu.be/_Myu3FTlOo8″ target=”1″]

Scott McKay, publisher of the Hayride & contributing editor at the American Spectator: DeSantis Doesn’t Have to Be the Nominee, but He Must Be Viable

Check ou Scott’s book The Revivalist Manifesto

[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Scott McKay” url=”https://youtu.be/F2S-BXm2jSI” target=”1″]

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