Election Day!
Jim Iuorio, analyst for FOX Business: building businesses, having corporate greed and trying to make money is a beautiful, gorgeous thing
For more from Jim @jimiuorio
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Jim Iuorio” url=”https://rumble.com/v1skzxs-fox-business-analyst-jim-iuorio-says-having-corporate-greed-and-money-makin.html” target=”1″]
Republican candidate for Illinois governor, Darren Bailey, shares his confidence as he foresees a victorious day for his campaign and Illinois
For more on Darren’s campaign and candidacy visit baileyforillinois.com
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Darren Bailey” url=”https://rumble.com/v1sl0ci-candidate-for-illinois-governor-darren-bailey-shares-his-confidence-as-he-f.html” target=”1″]
President at Wirepoints, Ted Dabrowski: The corporate elite have endorsed what’s happened in Illinois because they don’t speak up
Check out Ted’s latest at wirepoints.org
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Ted Dabrowski” url=”https://rumble.com/v1sl0u0-wirepoints-ted-dabrowski-the-corporate-elite-have-endorsed-whats-happened-i.html” target=”1″]