Why Russiagate was the media’s Vietnam
Fox Business Analyst Jim Iuorio shared his reaction to the UFO scare and also looked ahead to the coming inflation report
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Jim Iuorio” url=”https://youtu.be/mOd9KCs79AM” target=”1″]
Bob Woodson is the founder and President of the Woodson Center. He joined Dan Proft and Charles Thomas to talk about his book “Red, White and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers”
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Bob Woodson” url=”https://youtu.be/Swky3Tb8f4Q” target=”1″]
Ted Dabrowski is the President at Wirepoints, Inc. He joined Dan Proft and Charles Thomas to talk about the race for Mayor in Chicago
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Ted Dabrowski” url=”https://youtu.be/l0FD1LbLidw” target=”1″]
Spencer Klavan is an editor at the Claremont Institute. He joined Dan Proft and Charles Thomas to talk about his new book “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”
[xdownload icon=”fa-youtube-play” text=”Watch the interview with Spencer Klavan” url=”https://youtu.be/qUt2mXyGzoI” target=”1″]