[dropcap]F[/dropcap]orecasting the future is tricky business as even the sabermetric Poindexters found out on November 8th. So I’ll stick to wishcasting for 2017.
Since the Left doesn’t trust a Trump-led government and conservatives don’t trust government period, I wish for the bipartisan agreement pols are always clamoring on about to drastically reduce the size, scope and expense of the federal leviathan.
I wish the governor of one of the adjacent Great Lakes states would colonize Illinois.
I wish we would remember that smart is not a synonym for civilized.
I wish the affluent would preach what they practice in the areas of family, education, work ethic and personal responsibility.
I wish Pope Francis would take his cues from the Word of God more so than the word of Leonardo DiCaprio.
I wish more people would read Thomas Sowell and fewer would watch The View, The Chew, and the blathering Beltway magpies who have no clue.
I wish those who claim to do everything in the name of “the children” actually did.
I wish self-styled fiscal conservatives would learn that every issue is a moral issue and every law reflects someone’s values.
I wish for a return to the pre-post-truth era.
And I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.