Piers Morgan and Jim Jeffries Clash Over Trump

Things got heated on "Real Time" with Bill Maher

Marc Lamont Hill: “Mediocre Negroes Being Dragged In Front Of TV As Photo-Op For Trump”

CNN's Marc Lamont Hill comments on Steve Harvey's visit with Donald Trump and other leaders in the black community who

Maxine Waters: If There Was “Collusion” With Russia, Trump Committed Impeachable Offense

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Donald Trump may have already committed an impeachable offense, even before he has taken office

‘You Are Fake News!’: Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting Match at Press Conference

During President-elect Donald Trump’s press conference on Wednesday, Trump took aim at what he called “fake news” regarding the release

Megyn Kelly Tears Up While Talking About Her Departure From Fox News

At the end of Tuesday night’s broadcast of The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly addressed the news of her leaving Fox

A New Celebrity Video Urges Congress to Obstruct Donald Trump

In the weeks before the election, Hollywood figures unleashed a flood of videos urging voters to stop Donald Trump. That,

Mariah Carey’s New Year’s Eve Couldn’t Have Gone Worse

The world watched as the pop star's performance melted down.

Putin Praises Trump, Criticizes Democrats

Russian leader weighs in on election results for the first time.